"PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN THE FACTORY, BUT BRANDS ARE CREATED IN THE MIND." WALTER LANDOR - We are among the first and one of the leading full service advertising agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 1993 we have created around 1,000 successful advertising stories for more than 100 clients.
Our team is experienced, reliable and innovative and consists of professionals in the fields of marketing communications, strategy, design, production, advertising, promotion, public relations and creative writing.
Thanks to clients who recognize our knowledge, commitment and original ideas, we have built partnerships with large regional and global corporations, as well as numerous companies focused on local markets.
Yes, we are versatile too. Our results speak for themselves: well-thought-out and realized marketing plans, strategies and various campaigns, but also remarkable music and film projects. We are proud authors of the festival of demo bands – Demofest, and Bosonoga film production, which are two threads woven through our passion for engaging in unique and great projects.
We quench your thirst for marketing ideas and turn them into distinctive solutions.
Our mission is crystal clear – to convey your message as far and as best as possible, and bring your service or product as close as possible to the end-user, while nurturing creativity.
Our vision is even clearer – to be, together with you, the protagonists of all your stories in the business world.